Monday, August 13, 2007

to the Count... a monologue of love

Dia de la Asuncion = Assumption Day (August 15)

"why do i love you? why do i love you? i would need a lifetime my Count, to be able to share all the reasons i have come to embrace and celebrate thus far," Kate spoke with quiet confidence, trapped in a magical mist of just being. "what readily comes to my lips now, sir... i will gladly share..."

"i love you for your smile - so teasing and gentle at times. so devastatingly paralyzing, when you aim to seduce. the way your lips curl at the corners so sweetly when you are enquiring after me. and so bold and wicked when you think of all in this world that is so disturbing to you. a thin cruel line when you avenge yourself on your enemies..."

"i love you for your honey colored eyes. the way they sparkle when you throw your head back and laugh uninhibited, or when you are so animated in the very stories that you act out for me and you laugh contagiously at your own escapades, soliciting my own spontaneous laughter. i love the way your eyes shift dangerously to a darker nuance when you are trying to control the flash of sudden anger that surfaces when you encounter people that irk."

"i love you for the dark passionate streak that runs wild within the very core of your Christian soul. battling your own personal demons, you crave the unthinkable, and are never satisfied with the mere trappings of everyday toils and troubles. you look to the skies for your answers, seeing only the grey clouds that gather there at times, and you struggle always to see the silver lining. you stay so honest and true to your self-imposed boundaries, trying always to come back to doing the right things, and fulfilling your duty. i love the fact that you live on the edge always, and that today could be even darker for you, than yesterday was. yet you are always still present tomorrow, aiming to stay in the light."

"i love you for the way you have always stood by me, even when you have failed to recognize that you do so. for your enduring friendship and your mission to make every moment together come alive, even in the smallest of ways. the careful consideration of the wine, the feasting, the achingly honest welcome into your home and into your life, the many days we have spent just talking about out beliefs, our commonalities, how different we are. i love the pleasures of the flesh that you have branded under my skin and how i touch the very heavens above when you move within me."

"i love you for all that you are. the darkness and the nightmares. the insomniac wandering that you do within your own life, always waiting in bated anticipation for life's next great adventure. for the happy flashes that surface when you are with me, and you are alive and passionate and always striving for the next personal enlightenment. most of all, my sweet Count, i love you most of all for the way i feel when i am with you. the whisper of a life that could just be between us if you let it be, it sears through my very being and my every nerve ending tingles with the sweet hopes of feeling your skin against mine, for all eternity. i am more alive standing next to you, even should it be for a fleeting moment, than living alone in my own skin all these long years apart."

"yes, i see that you lower your eyes, and know that you doubt the emotive allegations that i make here this early morn," Kate smiled sadly. "i remember the reality of what stands between us, sir. and i will not make any claims to a life shared. for that you have no fear." she stood up and started walking towards the door. she stopped to look over her shoulder at him, one last time in yet again another period of separation, her heart brimming with her love for him, "i will always feel this way but remember this my Count, life is a long journey for us to yet to bear and we will meet again and soon."

"should you always wait for that absolute sign within the heavens to strike you in your heart like a cold bullet of recognition, you will forget to touch this being that is standing here, in plain view of your doubtful eyes, and you will finally succeed in letting me slip through your life... and i will never..." she could not bring herself to finish her cheerless sentence, and started instead to walk quietly out of the tavern and into the rising sun.


Anonymous said...

beautiful written, expressed and moving. you have captured the essence of the Count, even some that he wont even know or already identified. It takes the eye of an outsider to see that part not seeing by one.
very emotive I think the Count will be in the darkest corner of his state under a tree or over a rock glancing at the full moon just thinking. Thinking about the Kates words.

Anonymous said...

The Count in his quest for happiness engaged in another battle with rage and vengeance. He battled his visible and invisible demons but yet he was defeated. Some say he was poisoned some said the battle lasted too long. He laid in bed for two days and nights until he got better. When he looked in the mirror he could tell that the suffered fever aged him. He shaved while he was thinking about going to war again, thought that infuriated him and injected his eyes with blood.
He wondered around his palaces and went for a book :Kahlil Gibran.
He read the story of the speechless animal and felt that his soul was still there. "In the glance of the speechless animal there is a discourse that only the soul of the wise can really understand"

amreeth said...

Dear Anonymous,
I have full faith in the Count. He is one step away from immortality and is already my Hero.

He will always be the only one for Kate, and nothing will ever change that :) Not even his word or his will. She will always love him, and ONLY him, even if he banishes her to walk her lonely life alone!

Best always,

Anonymous said...

Immortality. Do you think the Count wants to live for ever in his state of sould and mind? I dont think so.

amreeth said...

Dear 3rd Annonymous,

Immortality is what Kate wants. And I borrow these words from my friend LWB's Blog to illustrate further how Kate feels. It's a poem by E.E. Cummings - titled: "I Carry Your Heart With Me".

"I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart)
I am never without it (anywhere
I go you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling)"

"I fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet)
I want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you"

"Here is the deepest secret nobody knows(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart"

"I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart"

And so dear 3rd annonymous, as Kate carries the Count's heart within her heart, she wants for him to live forever.

Best regards,