Thursday, August 9, 2007


claro = bright
(used in "slang" to punctuate a conversation meaning - "precisely" or "exactly" or "it's crystal clear"

and what is that really (genius)? that score on the MENSA assessment? the ability to write in French and paint like a Renaissance master? the ability to write your first piano symphony at 5?
hmmm, yes, that i can buy.

but what is "normal"? i personally hate that word - "normal" btw. it immediately denotes the insinuation of there being a NOT normal. of being out-of-the-box as a problem and i.e. as not normal. as being corny, or wacky, or strange, or (oh.oh.oh. this one) idiosyncratic as being not normal. labels and categories. they constrict and stereotype and make me always accept that i live on the fringes of "normalcy". i do. why? just...
  • that i love tattoos, and crave "a" next one (no Mom, don't start panicking).
  • that i love anything Spanish irrationally. Antonio baby, anytime, any day, Block A, 5-0-5...
  • that i believe vampires exist (huh! so i said it on my Blog, out here in cyberspace. does that mean i will become the next RPK?)
  • and i think the damn scientologists are barmy. aliens my ass! (eee.. how politically incorrect!)
  • that i stop breathing every time Shahrukh Khan fills the silver screen. oh, and i cry every time he does (sometimes even before he does, when he is just starting to twitch that eye-brow of his! i am cair.)
  • that i believe in omens. and definitely in dreams
  • that i wear opal to "sense". and gold to "block"
  • that i never touch someone even accidentally, unless i think you have a good aura
  • that i completely supported every point Malik Imtiaz Sarwar made on Riz Khan last night over that buduh Tuan Haji (that was talking through his ass). YOU ROCK MIS!
  • notice how i didn't add - that i live my life completely around my 4.5 foot green lizard - ahem. that i think is non-negotiable!


larawannabe said...

oh bummer, i missed MIS interview. it's the drug i tell ya, the drug! (took actifed for my blocked nose, terus pengsan. haha!)

so u've got to brief me tomorrow when we meet 'k :)

amreeth said...

k :) MIS was brilliant, and the TH sounded illiterate and at some points like he was talking through his ass. was a poor representation of an IIU expert on Islam in Malaysia.
Riz Khan asked him some 1-2 hard-hitting Qs and he gabrah betul!