Wednesday, February 17, 2010

clouds of white

i often look to them,
these meandering clouds of white,
vigilant from my bedroom window.

i look hard,
and i look soft,
and sometimes i see.

those shapes of angels,
and demons,
of elephants and such.

and i smile to myself,
knowing that angels,
they sit out there still.

they watch us,
and watch over us,
as we pray and worry.

they walk beside us,
their feathered wings spread wide and free,
as we survive yet another dose of reality.

some say they have no real choices,
that they only have their wings tipped in blood,
summoned to stay the balance.

some say they are merely silent ghosts,
macabre in their observations of us,
unable to defend or enlighten as their powers have waned.

but i know from deep within my core, my resonating soul,
they do whisper gently to us in guidance,
they work incessantly to ease our furrowed brows.

they pick their battles, and when to step in,
bordering sometimes on interference within their world of rules,
but they fight hard and constantly to keep us from falling.

~written by Ariel; 1st published Wednesday, September 9, 2009

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